Muniverse: Interactive Musical Metropolitan

Cultural production in the third millennium is totally flat. The information we make and share travels through media that lack hierarchy or centrality. There is no principal authority, no recognized arbitrator, and no centralized archive. There is no perspective, no yesterday, and no tomorrow. Flatness has neither a limit, nor a horizon. It has permanently changed our relationship with time and space. As a contemporary metaphor, flatness describes how the invention of the Internet has restructured global society. Flatness argues everything is the same everywhere. Nowness argues that it is the same time everywhere.

The repetition in music can be metaphorically compared to the repetitive architectural elements in a city, and as we write a song, we are exploiting the visualization of a Muniverse.

The set is ideal to be placed at a corner of a room, and we will take advantage of the spatial quality of the walls and create a 2.5-dimensional interactive installation.

The participant will enter the Muniverse by standing in front of the keyboard and facing the wall. They will gain authority to have the supreme power in this metaphoric visual and musical voyage.

The keys are being hit, the beats and graphic flips, now we would like to ask ourselves a question: “in this built environment, who are we trying to please?”

Duration:  November 2021 - December 2021 (2 months)
Role:  Designer
Team:  Kenny Kim, Jason Leo, Nix Liu Xin
Tools Used:  TouchDesigner, Projection Mapping, MIDI Keyboard
Category:  Harvard GSD | GSD6338 Final Project
Advisor:  Jose Luis Garcia del Castillo Lopez

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Kenny Kim. 
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